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Keeping a Library of C Subroutines in Source Code Form
Phillip L. Emerson
June, 1986
It is usual that a C program consists of quite a
number of subroutines, some quite small, and a main program
that oversees the general course of the operations.
For that reason, C programming commonly involves the use of
subroutine libraries. There are standard libraries for
input and output, and several other kinds of operations,
that ordinarily come with the compiler when one purchases
a C programming package. However, a programmer typically
goes beyond these libraries and develops many other small
subroutines for his own special applications. The usual
way of implementing a library of subroutines is in
connection with a linker or linking loader and an assembler
that produces relocatable object code.
For some purposes, it is more convenient to maintain
a library in source-code form. CLINK is a preprocessor
program designed to link source-code subroutines from a
library file, as needed by some new program file.
How CLINK Works
CLINK gets the name of an input program file from the
keyboard. It then reads an index file, extracted (on some
previous run) from the library file. It then goes through
the program file to see which, if any, of the library
subroutines are called, and at the same time putting out
the linked version of the program file with routines from
the library following the original program. The output
file can then be compiled and/or assembled as usual with
the C programming procedure.
The user prepares the library file in ordinary C
source-code form, with some minor restrictions mentioned
below. The index file is created automatically by CLINK
itself, and requires no attention from the user.
Typically, the index file is only about a tenth as long as
the library file, so CLINK tries to read the index file
first. If the index file does not exist, then the library
file itself is used in a first pass to build the network of
interconnecting library-routine calls. This network is
then put out into a newly created index file, to be used on
later runs. After the first run, then, the use of the
index file reduces the processing essentially from two
passes to one pass through the library file. For speedy
lookup of function names, CLINK uses two hash-code tables
which it creates in memory. The first of these contains the
index-file information, and the second contains the names of
target functions called in the input program file. After
both of these tables have been constructed (at the point
when the end of the input program file is reached), then
the second of them is expanded, using the first, to include
all ramifications of each function call. Protection is
built in against cycling in this linkage process in cases of
recursive self calls and recursive reciprocal calls. The
pass through the library file then begins, and any function
whose name is on the list (the second hash table) is put
out into the output file.
The command sequence for running CLINK is to type a
command line beginning with "CLINK" and containing at least
the name of the input program file, and optionally the
names of the library file, the index file, and the output
file. There are some defaults, and the main ones are
USRLIB.B for the library file and LIBKEY.B for the index
file. These defaults assume the CP/M file name structure,
so may require modifications with other operating systems.
Some of the defaults are illustrated by the example
which is equivalent to
The default scheme was designed to make things convenient
on my system. The full set of rules is rather lengthy, but
one can get the hang of it easily because CLINK pauses
after the command line is typed, and displays the four
complete file names that it has filled in. One has a
chance then to abort before any files are opened, or
If no file names at all are included on the command
line, then the procedure is somewhat different. CLINK will
then ask for the appropriate file names at the stages when
they are needed. There are no default substitutions, and
the names will be used, just as typed in. This procedure
also provides for two other options. The first is to have
CLINK scan more than one input program file for library
calls. The second is to include or not include any subset
of the program files in the output file. This is the
only way to handle multiple-file compilations.
The Library File
Since CLINK selects a subset of the functions in the
library, there are some obvious constraints on the use of
declarations outside of function definitions in the library
file. The main kind of external declaration that may not
appear at all in the library file is that in which function
types are declared separately from their definitions. For
example, in the library file,
int strlen() ;
will cause trouble if it appears externally to the
definition of any function, but the type declaration along
with the definition is admissible, as in the example
int strlen(s) char *s {char *p; p = s;
while(*p) p++ ; return(p-s) ; }
This int declaration is handled properly, because CLINK looks
back and includes everything preceding a function
definition, following any preceding definition, if that
function is included.
As CLINK inserts library functions into the output
file, comments, blank lines, and extra spaces are stripped
out. Tabs are not affected, so they may be used if one
wants to keep indentations intact. CLINK does not check
generally for syntax errors in the library file.
Therefore, it is a good idea to try compiling the library
file by itself, after any extensive changes are made in it.
Also, an old library index file should be deleted after
changes in the library file, to cause CLINK to generate a
new one. CLINK does check for unbalanced apostrophes,
quotation marks, and comment delimiters, in the library
file. It gives a report if it finds discrepancies. Also,
it tries to detect discrepancies between the library file
and index file, in case an obsolete index file is used with
a new version of the library file.
Generally, the operation of CLINK does not depend on
the order in which the functions are defined in the library
file. Library routines may call others in the library that
are defined earlier or later. Routines may call themselves
recursively, and different routines may call each other
reciprocally. One ordinarily does not have these freedoms
with the library facilities associated with the linkage of
relocatable object-code routines. Commonly, a linker
program restrictively assumes a pure tree structure of the
intercalls among library routines. CLINK does not.
Alphabetical order of entry of the subroutines in the CLINK
library file is as good as any other, and it can help the
programmer to find things in a listing of the file.
CLINK is particularly handy for implementations of C
on systems restricted in memory and disk space. Even with
larger systems, however, it provides a more flexible and
systematic way of maintaining and using a library of
subroutines. As one might expect, execution time of the
linkage operation is somewhat slower than with object-
code libraries. I find source-code linking advantageous
mainly for my own user applications, where the library of
subroutines continues to change and grow rather rapidly.